Monday, December 13, 2010

How to Sniff Network Traffic


We will use WireShark to sniff the network traffic
so we will need to install the WireShark by
yum instal wireshark
Due to Wireshark is GUI base, we only eed to use one of its Wireshark function which is Tshark
tshark -V -R "filter"
-V will show all the details
-R “filter” will apply the filter rule

If you want to sniff MSN chat, then you need to input:
tshark -V -R "msnms"
If you want to sniff google talk chat, then you need to input:
tshark -V -R "jabber"
If you want to capture all the traffic in the network, then you need to input:
tshark -V
If you want to capture traffic only to a specific destination such as, then you need to input:
tshark -V -R "ip.dst =="
due to a lot of traffic, it will be very hard to see so fast, so you will need to record it down to a document for easy reading
tshark -V -R "msnms" > data
vi data


If the chat message is encrypted, it will show as encrypted or truncated
Please refer to the reference below for more filter list


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