add this column into it
# add color to shell prompt
export PS1="\e[0;31m[\u@\h \W]\$ \e[m"
Here is the description
\e = start color scheme
0;31 = choice of color
\u = Display the current username
\h = Display the hostname
0;31 = choice of color
\u = Display the current username
\h = Display the hostname
\W = Print the current working directory
\e[m = Stop color scheme
$PS1 is your shell prompt
\e[m = Stop color scheme
$PS1 is your shell prompt
\H = Display FQDN hostname
\@ = Display current time in 12-hour am/pm format
List of Color code
Color | Code |
Black | 0;30 |
Blue | 0;34 |
Green | 0;32 |
Cyan | 0;36 |
Red | 0;31 |
Purple | 0;35 |
Brown | 0;33 |
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