OS: RedHat Enterprise 7
Java: Oracle jdk1.8.0_91
Fuse: jboss-fuse-6.2.1.redhat-117
Firewall disable
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl disable firewalld
SELinux disable
vi /etc/selinux/config
change to disabled
1. download Java from oracle website
2. edit /etc/hosts file and add your IP and hostname into it fuse1
if you are setup cluster fuse, then add fuse2 and fuse3 as well to all node hosts file
3. unzip java and put to /opt
then make softlink
ln –s jdk1.8.0_91 jdk1.8.0
this is to easy to upgrade java in future. just extract new update java and change the softlink pointing
then add following line to .bash_profile
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0
4. exit and login again to make java take effect and test by using this command
java -version
Fuse Setup
1. unzip jboss fuse to /opt and make a softlink as well
ln –s jboss-fuse-full-6.2.1-redhat-117 fuse
2. edit <fuse-install-dir>/etc/system.properties to rename karaf instance as fuse1 (from root):
# Name of this Karaf instance
3. start fuse
cd /opt/fuse
4. From the Fuse CLI, create an ESB admin user using the following command, substitute <user name> and <user password> with actual values:
esb:create-admin-user --new-user <user name> --new-user-password <user password>
5. Shutdown Fuse and restart as a background service using:
6. Connect to Fuse using admin user created above:
bin/client –u <user name> -p <user password>
7. Next create Fabric:
fabric:create --zookeeper-password <zookeeper-password> --zookeeper-data-dir zkdata
--resolver localhostname --wait-for-provisioning
8. As a practice, we do not deploy application services to root containers, so we can remove the jboss-fuse-full profile from the container:
container-remove-profile fuse1 jboss-fuse-full
1. After unzip, JBoss Fuse will be installed in /opt/jboss-fuse-full-6.2.1-redhat-117. For convenience, create a symbolic link:
cd /opt/dportal
ln –s jboss-fuse-full-6.2.1-redhat-117 fuse
2. edit <fuse-install-dir>/etc/system.properties to rename karaf instance as fuse2 and fuse3 (from root), respectively:
Node 2 (
# Name of this Karaf instance
Node 3 (
# Name of this Karaf instance
3. Start Fuse:
$ cd /home/fmsapps/fuse
$ bin/fuse
4. Join fabric
fabric:join --zookeeper-password <zookeeper-password> --resolver localhostname
5. Shutdown Fuse and restart as a background service using:
$ bin/start
6. Connect to Fuse using admin user created above:
$ bin/client –u <user name> -p <user password>
At this point, 3 JBoss Fuse Fabric containers were created and started.
On (fuse1), log in to Fuse Fabric CLI and issue the following command to create an
JBossFuse:fuseadmin@utdrvfuse1> ensemble-add utdrvfuse2 utdrvfuse3
Once the command is completed, the fabric container list should be similar to:
JBossFuse:fabric@fuse1> container-list
[id] [version][connected] [profiles] [provision status]
utdrvfuse1* 1.0 yes fabric, fabric-ensemble-0001-1 success
utdrvfuse2 1.0 yes fabric, fabric-ensemble-0001-2 success
utdrvfuse3 1.0 yes fabric, fabric-ensemble-0001-3 success
The Fuse setup is complete. Fuse management console can be accessed from