Monday, October 8, 2012

Monitor System with AIDE and SAR

AIDE, Advanced intrusion detection environment is a tool to check the integrity of files on the system

Steps to deploy AIDE
1. install the aide package
2. customize  /etc/aide.conf  to your preference
3. run  /usr/sbin/aide --init  to build the initial database
4. Store  /etc/aide.conf, /usr/sbin/aide, /var/lib/aide/ in a secure location
5. Copy /var/lib/aide/  to  /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz
6. you can run the checking by # aide --check

Result will be display or save to /var/log/aide/aide.log by default

System Activity report

Install the sysstat package
run # sar -A to display all information collected
run # sar -u 2 5 to display five sample of system CPU usage with interval 2 second

Static route

The routing table for the system is display with the ip route show command.

Routing must be enabled with a tunable kernel parameter, named net.ipv4.ip_forward

- 0 = discard foreign packet
- 1 = forward foreign packets to the network interface determined by the routing table

Edit /etc/sysctl.conf  for permanent change and run sysctl -p to reload it

To add a route dynamically

# ip route add  IP/netmask  via  router_IP

To persistent add a route, edit  /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-iface


Tuning kernel network parameter

Install kernel-doc RPM for the documentation

# sysctl -a
will show all the list

the kernel parameter are located at

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

network monitoring

Detect Local Services
# netstat -tulnp

Detect Remote Services
# nmap -A -sT  <server>

Capturing and analyzing network traffic
# tcpdump -D
to show all available capture interface

Example to capture port 22 from interface eth0
# tcpdump  -nn  -l  -s  2000  -w  packets  -i  eth0  'port 22'

Analyzing network packet with wireshark
install the wireshark-gnome
copy out the output of tcpdumb
# wireshark <tcpdumb file>

sample yum repo

create a file
# touch /etc/yum.repo.d/redhat

then edit it with this sample

name = Redhat
baseurl =
enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 0

Encrypting files with GnuPG

Generate a key pair
# gpg --gen-key

List public keys
# gpg --list-keys

Export a public key
# gpg -o  mykey.key  --export  --armor key-id

Import a public key
# gpg --import file.key

Encrypt a file
# gpg --encrypt  --armor -r  key-id  <file>

Decrypt a file
# gpg --decrypt  <file>

Monday, October 1, 2012

Text Processing Tools

# diff
# diff <file1> <file2>

# diff -Naur <original> <updated> > patchfile
this command will created a relatively small patch

# patch 
# patch <file-need-to-patch> <patchfile>

# cut
# cut -f3 -d: /etc/passwd

# /sbin/ip addr | grep 'inet' | cut -d ' ' -f6 | cut -d / -f1
this command will cut a single piece of information which is IP address from /sbin/ip addr

# head
# head  /etc/passwd
 by default will display first 10 line
# head  -n  3  /etc/passwd
will display first 3 line

# tail
# tail  /etc/passwd
# tail -n  3  /etc/passwd
# tail -f  /var/log/messages
this command will keep update the message log until Ctrl + c is pressed

# wc
# wc <file>
to count number of lines, words, bytes or character in a file

# sort
sort line

# uniq
remove duplicate line from file

# tr
# tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'
change the upper to smaller and wise visa

Auto mount

/etc/auto.master provides the master configuration for autofs


/home/guests /etc/auto.guests

/etc/auto.guests file was specified in /etc/auto.master

Example using LDAP user home directories

ldapuser1     -rw

there are wild card if you intend to auto mount all


After all done, just do

# service autofs reload

* note, if we mount /home/guests for using automount. the whole folder of guests will be take over by it and we unable to edit things in it

Centos 6 Virtual machine tools

Virtual machine manager is the graphical tool used to manage virtual machine.
it was only available in 64bit installation.
you can run the tools from Application > system tools > Virtual machine manager

Virsh command allow you to manage your virtual machine
Here are the some command to use with virsh

# virsh list
# virsh destroy <server name>
# virsh list --all
# virsh start <server name>
# virst shutdown <server name>