Monday, October 8, 2012

Monitor System with AIDE and SAR

AIDE, Advanced intrusion detection environment is a tool to check the integrity of files on the system

Steps to deploy AIDE
1. install the aide package
2. customize  /etc/aide.conf  to your preference
3. run  /usr/sbin/aide --init  to build the initial database
4. Store  /etc/aide.conf, /usr/sbin/aide, /var/lib/aide/ in a secure location
5. Copy /var/lib/aide/  to  /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz
6. you can run the checking by # aide --check

Result will be display or save to /var/log/aide/aide.log by default

System Activity report

Install the sysstat package
run # sar -A to display all information collected
run # sar -u 2 5 to display five sample of system CPU usage with interval 2 second

Static route

The routing table for the system is display with the ip route show command.

Routing must be enabled with a tunable kernel parameter, named net.ipv4.ip_forward

- 0 = discard foreign packet
- 1 = forward foreign packets to the network interface determined by the routing table

Edit /etc/sysctl.conf  for permanent change and run sysctl -p to reload it

To add a route dynamically

# ip route add  IP/netmask  via  router_IP

To persistent add a route, edit  /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-iface


Tuning kernel network parameter

Install kernel-doc RPM for the documentation

# sysctl -a
will show all the list

the kernel parameter are located at

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

network monitoring

Detect Local Services
# netstat -tulnp

Detect Remote Services
# nmap -A -sT  <server>

Capturing and analyzing network traffic
# tcpdump -D
to show all available capture interface

Example to capture port 22 from interface eth0
# tcpdump  -nn  -l  -s  2000  -w  packets  -i  eth0  'port 22'

Analyzing network packet with wireshark
install the wireshark-gnome
copy out the output of tcpdumb
# wireshark <tcpdumb file>

sample yum repo

create a file
# touch /etc/yum.repo.d/redhat

then edit it with this sample

name = Redhat
baseurl =
enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 0

Encrypting files with GnuPG

Generate a key pair
# gpg --gen-key

List public keys
# gpg --list-keys

Export a public key
# gpg -o  mykey.key  --export  --armor key-id

Import a public key
# gpg --import file.key

Encrypt a file
# gpg --encrypt  --armor -r  key-id  <file>

Decrypt a file
# gpg --decrypt  <file>

Monday, October 1, 2012

Text Processing Tools

# diff
# diff <file1> <file2>

# diff -Naur <original> <updated> > patchfile
this command will created a relatively small patch

# patch 
# patch <file-need-to-patch> <patchfile>

# cut
# cut -f3 -d: /etc/passwd

# /sbin/ip addr | grep 'inet' | cut -d ' ' -f6 | cut -d / -f1
this command will cut a single piece of information which is IP address from /sbin/ip addr

# head
# head  /etc/passwd
 by default will display first 10 line
# head  -n  3  /etc/passwd
will display first 3 line

# tail
# tail  /etc/passwd
# tail -n  3  /etc/passwd
# tail -f  /var/log/messages
this command will keep update the message log until Ctrl + c is pressed

# wc
# wc <file>
to count number of lines, words, bytes or character in a file

# sort
sort line

# uniq
remove duplicate line from file

# tr
# tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'
change the upper to smaller and wise visa

Auto mount

/etc/auto.master provides the master configuration for autofs


/home/guests /etc/auto.guests

/etc/auto.guests file was specified in /etc/auto.master

Example using LDAP user home directories

ldapuser1     -rw

there are wild card if you intend to auto mount all


After all done, just do

# service autofs reload

* note, if we mount /home/guests for using automount. the whole folder of guests will be take over by it and we unable to edit things in it

Centos 6 Virtual machine tools

Virtual machine manager is the graphical tool used to manage virtual machine.
it was only available in 64bit installation.
you can run the tools from Application > system tools > Virtual machine manager

Virsh command allow you to manage your virtual machine
Here are the some command to use with virsh

# virsh list
# virsh destroy <server name>
# virsh list --all
# virsh start <server name>
# virst shutdown <server name>

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

convert bmp to jpg

if [ -z "$1" ];then
        echo "Error: please put a file path to convert"
        exit 1

find $CPATH -type f -iname \*.bmp | while read filename; do

    convert "$filename" -quality 100% "$filename".jpg && rename .bmp.jpg .jpg "$filename".jpg && rm "$filename"

script thanks to my Manager Lye


mod_evasive is a plugin for Apache Web Server to prevent DOS attack.

After a few weeks of trial and error, research. mod_evasive is able to work with iptables.

Here is the installation steps:

1) yum install mod_evasive
2) vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/mod_evasive.conf

<------------------------------ mod_evasive.conf content ----------------------------------->
LoadModule evasive20_module modules/

<IfModule mod_evasive20.c>
    DOSHashTableSize    3097
    DOSPageCount        2
    DOSSiteCount        50
    DOSPageInterval     1
    DOSSiteInterval     1
    DOSBlockingPeriod   10
    DOSEmailNotify      sat.server@my.offgamers.lan
    DOSSystemCommand    "bash /var/lock/mod_evasive/ %s"
    DOSLogDir           "/var/lock/mod_evasive"
    #DOSWhitelist       192.168.0.*
<------------------------------ mod_evasive.conf content ----------------------------------->

3) mkdir /var/lock/mod_evasive
4) chown apache:apache /var/lock/mod_evasive
* mod_evasive need to record the DOS IP address to this directory
5) vi /var/lock/mod_evasive/
<------------------------------ content ----------------------------------->
sudo /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s $1 -j DROP
sleep 600
sudo /sbin/iptables -D INPUT -s $1 -j DROP
sudo /bin/rm -f /var/lock/mod_evasive/dos-$1
<------------------------------ content ----------------------------------->
How work?
mod_evasive detected DOS, it will execute the and create a file like dos- under /var/lock/mod_evasive.
the dos-* files are used to keep track the blocked IP address.
Execute will do the following things:
Issue iptables too drop the IP address, sleep for ten minutes, and then remove the blocked IP address, after that delete the dos-* file
under /var/lock/mod_evasive, otherwise it wouldn't re-block again.

6) visudo
Defaults requiretty -> #Defaults requiretty

Cmnd_Alias EVASIVE = /sbin/iptables, /bin/rm

7) finally restart httpd service, use watch -n 1 -d iptables -nvL and watch -n 1 -d ls -lsa /var/lock/mod_evasive to monitor how the process working

Information thanks to my Senior Voo

Friday, August 3, 2012

Setup nagios

Nagios Server

add rpmforge into the server repo

# yum install nagios nagios-nrpe nagios-plugins nagios-plugins-nrpe perl-Nagios-Plugin
# chkconfig nagios on
# chkconfig nrpe on

Edit the /etc/httpd/conf.d/nagios.conf to remove the SSL and user authentication
# vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/nagios.conf

  1  ScriptAlias /nagios/cgi-bin "/usr/lib64/nagios/cgi"
  3  <Directory "/usr/lib64/nagios/cgi">
  4  #  SSLRequireSSL
  5     Options ExecCGI
  6     AllowOverride None
  7     Order allow,deny
  8     Allow from all
  9  #   AuthName "Nagios Access"
 10  #   AuthType Basic
 11  #   AuthUserFile /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users
 12  #   Require valid-user
 13  </Directory>
 15  Alias /nagios "/usr/share/nagios"
 17  <Directory "/usr/share/nagios">
 18  #  SSLRequireSSL
 19     Options None
 20     AllowOverride None
 21     Order allow,deny
 22     Allow from all
 23  #   AuthName "Nagios Access"
 24  #   AuthType Basic
 25  #   AuthUserFile /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users
 26  #   Require valid-user
 27  </Directory>

Edit /etc/nagios/cgi.cfg
# vim /etc/nagios/cgi.cfg

# vim  /etc/nagios/objects/server.cfg

define hostgroup{
        hostgroup_name  linux-server
        alias           Linux Servers
        members         localhost,my-dns2

define host{
        use                     linux-server
        host_name               my-dns2
        alias                   my-dns2
        address                 my-dns2.offgamers.lan

define service{
        use                     local-service
        host_name               my-dns2
        service_description     Swap
        check_command           check_nrpe!check_swap

# vim  /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg

add the location of the hosts file in the object folder

Format: cfg_file=<file_name>
Example: cfg_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/hosts.cfg

Nagios Client

# yum install nagios-nrpe nagios-plugins nagios-plugins-nrpe perl-Nagios-Plugin
# chkconfig nrpe on

# vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg

at the bottom, edit the check command to suit your environment

If you start Nagios server having error
# nagios -v /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg 
to check whats wront

Nagios Option available

smokeping 2.6.8 for Centos 6.3

add rpmforge into your linux repo

yum install:

  • mod_fcgid
  • httpd
  • httpd-devel
  • rrdtool
  • perl-CGI-SpedtCGI
  • fping
  • perl-RRD-Simple
  • perl
# yum install mod_fcgid httpd httpd-devel rrdtool perl-CGI-SpeedCGI fping perl-RRD-Simple perl
# yum groupinstall "Development tools"

download the smokeping package from

# wget
# tar -zxvf smokeping-2.6.8.tar.gz
# mv smokeping-2.6.8  /opt/smokeping
# cd smokeping-2.6.8

then manual install perl package manually

#perl -MCPAN -e shell

> install FCGI
> install CGI::Fast
> install Config::Grammar
> install Digest::HMAC_MD5
> install Net::Telnet
> install Net::OpenSSH
> install Net::SNMP
> install Net::LDAP
> install Net::DNS
> install IO::Pty
> install LWP

other from manually install, you can run the script locate at smokeping /opt/smokeping/setup
# cd  /opt/smokeping/setup
# ./

after done, run to configure and make install
# cd /opt/smokeping
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/smokeping
# make install

now we go for preparing for the configuration file
# cd /opt/smokeping/etc
# for foo in *.dist; do cp $foo `basename $foo .dist`; done

#vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var
DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var smokeping.fcgi

then enable this
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

# vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/smokeping.conf

<Directory "/var/www/html/smokeping">
    Options +ExecCGI

# mkdir /opt/smokeping/img
# chown -R apache:apache /opt/smokeping/img
# ln -s /opt/smokeping/htdocs /var/www/html/smokeping
# ln -s /opt/smokeping/img /var/www/html/smokeping

# mkdir /opt/smokeping/data

# mkdir /opt/smokeping/var

# chmod 600 /opt/smokeping/etc/smokeping_secrets
# chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/smokeping

restart the httpd
# /etc/init.d/httpd restart

edit the smokeping config to your need
# vim /opt/smokeping/etc/config

start the smokeping services
# ./bin/smokeping --config=/opt/smokeping/etc/config --logfile=smoke.log

Reference and help thanks to Tony from

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Install VMware-tools for Centos 6.3

At EXSi there, right click on the server > Guest > install/upgrade VMware tools
after that enter to the server console

# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
# cd /mnt
# cp VMwareTools-xxx.tar.gz  /root/
# cd  /root
# tar -zxvf VMwareTools-xxx.tar.gz
# cd vmware-tools-distrib
# ./

just click enter until the end

if you received error saying to locate the c compiler
just make a yum update kernel and kernel-devel, then re-run the installer again

# yum update kernel
# /sbin/shutdown -r now

# ./


download the latest package from

# tar -xzvf squidview-0.7x.tar.gz
# cd squidview-0.7x

before this, make sure you have all the package needed
# yum groupinstall "Development tools"
# yum install ncurses-static

proceed to compile and install
# ./configure
# make 
# cp Makefile.old Makefile
# make oldgcc
# make install

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Remove squid cache manually

Stop squid using the command /etc/init.d/squid stop

Next Delete cache directory using rm -rf /var/spool/squid

Create new cache directory using mkdir /var/spool/squid

Change ownership to squid user chown squid:squid /var/spool/squid

Create cache again using the command squid -z

Finally start Squid using the command /etc/init.d/squid start

Friday, July 13, 2012

Clon Hdd for EXSI

Before proceed, first you must enable SSH in EXSi

then you can transfer your own ready make .vmdk by scp or winscp into EXSi
but for myself, i make a standard template in EXSi so i can easily deploy other server in future.

create a new VM but skip the hdd creation 
SSH into EXSi and use this command
# vmkfstools -i <input.vmdk> <output.vmdk>
then edit the VM, add hdd into it but click
use an existing virtual disk and select the newly cron disk

usually the location of the vm is at 
so you need to identify out the location

if you re-cron back to the same EXSi server, there might be network problem with the newly cron server because the network card MAC will be different. so you need to go to
/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules to update your MAC address
you just need to exchange the eth0 with the eth1 and eth1 to eth0

Thursday, July 12, 2012

EXSI SSH Keygen path

The SSH keygen folder in EXSi was located in /.ssh/
You can scp the public key from other server and cat » /.ssh/authorized_keys

Minimum HDD size for Centos 6

the minimum hdd space needed for Centos 6 without any package is 4GB:

100MB   -> /boot
2000MB -> /
300MB   -> Swap
200MB   -> /home
500MB   -> /tmp
remain     -> /var

but if you want the minimum hdd space for Centos 6 with base package, it is 5GB:

100MB   -> /boot
3000MB -> /
300MB   -> Swap
200MB   -> /home
500MB   -> /tmp
remain     -> /var