- Download cacti-netsnmp-memory.0.7.tar.gz to a temporary directory on the Cacti server machine.
- Expand the archive with the command
tar -xvzf cacti-netsnmp-memory.0.7.tar.gz
, and change to the cacti-netsnmp-memory directory that is created. - Copy scripts/ss_netsnmp_memory.php to the <cacti>/scripts/ directory.
- Access the Cacti installation in a web browser, click on the "Import Templates" menu item on the left side of the Console screen, and import the template/Net-SNMP_memory_graph_template.xml file. Cacti should automatically create the required graph template, data input method, and data template objects.
- Click on the Devices menu item on the left side of the Console screen, select a *NIX host that is running Net-SNMP, and scroll down to the "Associated Graph Templates " table. Select "Host Memory - ucd/net - Memory Usage" in the "Add Graph Template " drop-down box, and click the "Add" button.
- After the Device screen reloads, verify that the "Host Memory - ucd/net - Memory Usage" graph template is now present, and then click the "Create Graphs for this Host" link at the top of the page.
- Locate the "Host Memory - ucd/net - Memory Usage" graph template, enable the checkbox to its right, and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Create" button.
Reference URL http://www.eric-a-hall.com/software/cacti-netsnmp-memory/